faq//Preguntas frecuentes

Where is the Titoté project Supper Club?
Tttp is hosted in a private place in Barcelona, easily accessible by public transport. When you make a booking, we will contact you and we send you all the indication to get to the place.

¿Donde es exactamente el Titoté project?
El proyecto se hace siempre en un sitio privado en Barcelona, siempre facil de llegar con transporte publico. Cuando haces una reserva, nosotros te contactamos dando las indicaciones para llegar al evento

What do you cook?
The menu is different on every occasion. Some samples of recent menus we have cooked for guests can be found here.

¿Que cocinais?
El menu siempre cambia en cada encuentro, si quieres hacerte una idea observa varios ejemplos de anteriores menus

What if I'm vegetarian, or have a food allergy?
The project is able to cater for special food requirements, but we must be informed in advance. You must let us know at the time of booking if any member of the party does not eat particular ingredients as it may not be possible to make alterations on the meal.

¿Que pasa si soy vegetariano, o tengo alguna alergia?
Podemos ajustar el menu, pero deben avisarlo en el momento de la reserva para que no haya sorpresas en la comida.

What about drinks?
An aperitif, coffee after dinner and water throughout the meal are all included in the price. You can bring your own wine (or soft drinks) with you, we will provide glasses and there is no corkage fee. Please note that we may not have the facilities to chill drinks - if you bring white or rosé wine with you, please make sure it is already cold.

¿Como es el tema de la bebidas?
La bebida incluida en el menu es agua y tambien entra el cafe, aunque tu puedes traer tu propia bebida sin cobrar descorche, nosotros te proporcionamos las copas o vasos. si traes vino rosa o blanco, asegurate qie lo traigas frio.

How many guests will you have?
A minimum of 6, we dont have amaximum, always depends of the size place.

¿Cuantas personas participan?
minimo 6, y el maximo depende del tamaño del lugar

Is it all right to come by myself?
Yes, sure.  it is a good opportunity to meet new people and share experiences. The atmosphere is more like a dinner party than a restaurant.

¿Puedo ir solo?, es decir ¿sin acompañante? 
Claro que si, es una buena oportunidad para conocer gente y compartir experiencias. El ambiente es mas de una cena informal que la de estar en un restaurante.

How do I pay?
In cash, on the night or using a paypal payment, its safe.

¿Como se hace el pago?
Puede ser en efectivo en la misma noche aunque preferimos un pago por paypal, es mas seguro para ambas partes-

What is your cancellation policy?

Short-notice cancellations or people booking and not turning up greatly inconvenience both Titote project supper Club and its customers. We may have turned other customers away if we were fully booked. We may have already bought expensive ingredients for a dish to be prepared in advance. If you need to cancel, please give us plenty of notice.

¿Como sería la politica de cancelación?
Cancelar a ultima hora representa un gran inconveniente para nosotros, y para aquellos clientes que no pudieron reservar, ademas todo el presupuesto lo hacemos pensando en gastos de ingredientes muy selectos y que estan preparados.

I've only booked for two people, but my friend wants to come as well.
One extra person at short notice is unlikely to cause us problems but please call in advance to be sure.

He reservado para dos, pero un amigo tambien que ir
Una persona mas a ultima hora no es lo mas oportuno para todos ya que hay un numero determinado de plazas por lo tanto ocasionaria malentendidos, lo mejor es reservar a tiempo.

Am I allowed to smoke?
Not inside, but the places we chose always have a smoking area like a balcony etc where smoking is permitted.

For general questions about supperclub etiquette, Simon Doggett has an interesting blog post here.